In a working enviroment, psychophysical conditions
such as silence, air quality, temperature and climate
conditions influence the workers performance. An
optimal balance among these parameters results in
a more comfortable and healthy working condition
and greater company productivity. This link between
wellbeing and productivity has prompted GSI to
develop BEETLE.

BEETLE is a powerful air-to-air heat pump intended
for cooling and heating industrial halls, production
facilities, and storage areas.

In a working enviroment, psychophysical conditions
such as silence, air quality, temperature and climate
conditions influence the workers performance. An
optimal balance among these parameters results in
a more comfortable and healthy working condition
and greater company productivity. This link between
wellbeing and productivity has prompted GSI to
develop BEETLE.

BEETLE is a powerful air-to-air heat pump intended
for cooling and heating industrial halls, production
facilities, and storage areas.

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©2024 by Orenco Energy LTD

+353 873 424 373

Clonmel, Co.Tipperary

+353 873 424 373

Clonmel, Co.Tipperary

©2024 by Orenco Energy LTD

©2024 by Orenco Energy LTD

+353 873 424 373

Clonmel, Co.Tipperary